All the following Protections must be taken before cold Start up. here you are going to know about cold start-up procedure.

source: google thirthparty image

Description of Activity



A.1         All PTWs are closed and clearances from all concerned departments are available.


A.2         All electrical switchboards (11 kV, 3.3 kV, and 0.415 kV) are charged from proper sources.


A.3         Power supply (both AC & DC) is available to all HT & LT drives (Fans, Pumps, Gates, Dampers and Valves etc.).


A.4         220 V DC supply with battery back-up is available for control, protection as well as all emergency drives.


A.5         UPS supply with battery back-up is available for DCS panels, instruments and other required areas.


A.6         Power supply is available to cooler fans of GT, UT & ST.


A.7         Emergency DG set is lined up and breakers are ‘READY to CLOSE’. (Ensure auto-changeover operation and day tank level > 500 L).


A.8         All LCI panels for ID fans are charged and ready.


A.9         No electrical protection is operated and all protection relays in all AC & DC switchboards are RESET.




B.1.1       All PTWs are closed and clearances from all concerned departments are available.


B.1.2       Interlocks & Protection of all associated systems are checked and found ok.


B.1.3       Boiler and its associated systems are free from any foreign material.


B.1.4       Unauthorized entry to all areas are prohibited.


B.1.5       Fire Protection & Prevention System (Hydrant and Foam) in all required areas is charged.


B.1.6       SOX & NOX analyzers in stack are in service.


B.1.7       Ensure fly ash & bottom ash handling system is functional.


B.1.8       Close all inspection doors, manhole and access doors as well as peep holes.


B.1.9       Line up Compressed air system with both instrument & service air (Header Pressure is maintained at 6.0 - 6.5 kg/cm²)

IAC 1A (      )     IAC 1B (      )  SAC 1A (      )     SAC 1B (      )


B.1.10    All retractable soot blowers (LRSB) & wall blowers are fully retracted & in home position.


B.1.11    Furnace Temperature Probe (FTP) are fully retracted & in home position


B.1.12    Check SADC operation for all elevations.


B.1.13    Check ESP manholes are closed & inlet and outlet gates of all passes are fully open and locked.


B.1.14    Check all gates & dampers in flue gas path are open and gas path is clear through air heater A & B, ESP passes A, B, C & D.


B.1.15    Ensure all hopper heaters, shaft & support insulator heaters of ESP are charged.


B.1.16    Ensure lube oil tank levels for ID, FD, PA, APH & Mills are normal


B.1.17    Ensure all filter elements (all lube oil skids) are cleaned.


B.1.18    Ensure Oil carry over probe of both APHs is in service and its Cooling system available


B.1.19    Line up CW system with its chemical dosing and chlorination system is available.


B.1.20    Start Circulating Water Pumps (2 nos.) taking condenser A & B and IDCT cells in line. Ensure 18 cell riser valves are open. (Ensure fore bay level ≈ 7600-8000 mm)  A (      )    B (      )


B.1.21    Start ACW pumps (2 out of 3). A (      )    B (      )    C (      )


B.1.22    Check availability of proper quality and sufficient quantity of DM water. (Check level of DM water in DM storage tanks, CST, DMCW O/H tank and Emergency filling tank etc.) CST > 5 m.


B.1.23    Ensure raw water reservoir level and if required take make up by intake pump.


B.1.24    Ensure plant water make up pumps are ready with sufficient sump level. Also ensure pre-treatment & RO-DM plant is fully functional. (Make up water sump Level ≈ mm).


B.1.25    Start SG Equipment cooling water pump (1 out of 2).  A (      )    B (      )


B.1.26    Check PHEs (2 nos.) for SG and auxiliaries are charged from both ACW & DMCW.

A (      )    B (      )


B.1.27    Cavity of all BCW Pumps are filled; purged and proper water quality (conductivity) is assured.


B.1.28    HP & LP Cooling Line of all BCW Pumps are charged & pumps are READY to start. (Check for LP cooling water flow ≈ >40 m3/Hr for heat barrier and >160m3/Hr for Cavity cooler.)

                 Flow in Heat Barrier Cooler            Flow in LP Cavity Cooler





B.1.29    Fill the water in the bottom ash hopper and seal trough and ensure refractory cooling water line is lined up.


B.1.30    Instrument air with pressure 6.0-6.5 kg/cm2 is available to all corners of oil firing elevations (HEA igniters, Actuators in firing skid etc.)


B.1.31    Service air with pressure 6.0-6.5 kg/cm2 is available to boiler area for LDO atomizing.


B.1.32    LOTV (in LDO station, 26 mtr. Boiler elevation) as well as HOTV (in HFO station, 26 mtr Boiler elevation) is fully closed.


B.1.33    All manual isolation valves of firing skids are fully open and pneumatic actuators (nozzle valves of air & oil line) are fully closed position.


B.1.34    Verify proper operation of all the instruments (gauges, transmitters and recorders). Check all root valves in impulse lines are fully open.


B.1.35    Ensure readiness of Coal Mills


B.1.36    All LP/HP dosing pumps are ready. (Check for adequate level of N2H4, NH3, Na2PO4 and Na3PO4 tanks)


B.1.37    All Sampling lines (SWAS, Boiler, Coal, DM Water etc.) are ready.



B.2.1       Drum Vents (B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-25, B-26, B-28 and B-29).


B.2.2       CRH line drain valves (CRHV-103, CRHV-104, CRHV-178, CRHV-179, CRHV-180, CRHV-181, CRHV-182 and CRHV-183).


B.2.3       HRH line drain valves (HRHV-135, HRHV-136, HRHV-137 and HRHV-138).


B.2.4       HRH strainer drains (HRHP-10 and HRHP-15).


B.2.5       MS strainer drains (MSV-105 & MSV-106)


B.2.6       CRH line vents (CRHV-105, CRHV-106, CRHV-107 and CRHV-108).


B.2.7       CRH line vents (HRHV-117, HRHV-118, HRHV-119 and HRHV-120).


B.2.8       FSH outlet vent isolation valves (S-31 and S-32).


B.2.9       MS line vents (MSV-113, MSV-114, MSV-115 and MSV-116).


B.2.10    MS line ERVs (SV-10 and SV-11) Manual Isolation Valves.


B.2.11    HRH line ERVs (SV-22 and SV-23) Manual Isolation Valves.


B.2.12    SH start-up vent isolation and regulating valves (S-34, S-35, S-36 and S-37).


B.2.13    SH Header drains (S-64, S-65, S-67, S-68, S-69, S-70, S-71, S-72, S-73, S-74, S-75, S-76 and S-77) till 2kg/cm2 drum pressure.


B.2.14    All instrument and control valve connection to the boiler.


B.2.15    Drum CBD isolation valve. (B-83, B-84, B-86, B-87 and B-89).


B.2.16    SH drain header to IBD tank isolation valve (S-78) till 2 kg/cm².


B.2.17    Main steam line drain valves (MSV-101, MSV-102)


B.2.18    HP dosing isolation valves (B-47 and B-48)


B.2.19    Eco Recirculation Valve (E-15)



B.3.1.     Economizer inlet header line drain isolation valve (E-20).


B.3.2.     Boiler filling valve (B-101)


B.3.3.     SH filling line isolation valve (S-79)


B.3.4.     De – Super heater control valve and supply valve.


B.3.5.     Drum CBD to IBD tank MIV ( )


B.3.6.     Chemical injection valve depends on PH and conductivity. (B-47, B-48)


B.3.7.     Drum N2 filling isolation. (B-5, B-27)


B.3.8.     Drum level gauge drain valve. (B-37, B-38, B-33, B-32, B-27, B-5)


B.3.9.     Main steam line stop valve (MSV-1, MSV-2).


B.3.10.  Oil burner valve and atomizing air valve to IBD.


B.3.11.  FSH N2 filling valve.


B.3.12.  Economizer drain isolation valve after the drum is filled up to 4 ports. (E-17,E-18)



B.4.1.     Start one lube oil pump for each drive (IDF, FDF, PAF, APH, Coal mills) and keep another pump on Auto Standby.


B.4.2.     Lube oil tank heaters for Coal mills are on auto cut in/cut off mode


B.4.3.     Proper lubrication (grease or oil) in each HT & LT drive with coupled fan or pump (FDF, IDF, PAF, Seal air, Scanner fan, Air Compressors, BCWP, SG-DMCWP, CWP, ACWP, Boiler fill pump, CT Pump and LDO F/W pump etc.). Check bearing oil level in view glass and apply grease where ever required.


B.4.4.     SG DMCW is available for lube oil cooling of all boiler auxiliary drives (FDF, IDF, PAF, APH, Air Compressors, BCWP, and Coal Mills).


B.4.5.     SG DMCW is available for motor winding cooling of large motors (ID Fan & PA Fan).


B.4.6.     Line up cooling & lubrication system for fly ash & bottom ash disposal system.


B.4.7.     Ensure proper lubrication (grease or oil) in all servo and pneumatic drives for valves, dampers & gates.


B.5.        FUEL OIL LINE UP (F/O Pump House)

B.5.1     Fuel oil pump house and tank farm area is properly clean & no trace of oil leakage is observed.


B.5.2     Ensure adequate oil in LDO storage tank. (Level >1.5 mtr. and Volume >170 m3)


B.5.3     Drain oil pump and sump pumps are in service


B.5.4     Oil water separator (OWS) system is fully functional.


B.5.5     All instruments are in service.


B.5.6     Open the manual isolation valves in suction line of LDO pumps.


B.5.7     Check for instrument air supply availability for pneumatic valves.


B.5.8     Check LDO short recirculation valve is in AUTO.


B.5.9     Start one LDO forwarding pump with other one standby available.

Working  A (      )    B (      )                        Standby  A (      )    B (      )



B.6.1     Check oil station, oil firing skid area is free from any leakage and are properly clean.


B.6.2     Service and instrument air is available to each elevation corners.


B.6.3     All oil guns and nozzles are clean.


B.6.4     Burner tilt operation is OK from DCS. Burner tilting is in horizontal or 0°C.


B.6.5     All root valves in impulse lines are fully open and equipment’s (Flow-meter, Pressure gauges, temp gauges etc.) at LDO station (Boiler area) are in service.


B.6.6     Oil firing skids on each elevation corner are in service.


B.6.7     All oil guns are properly inserted and coupled.


B.6.8     All oil guns and their associated piping are ready for service.


B.6.9     All manual valves are open and control valves are closed.


B.6.10  Service Air available for ignitor cooling


B.6.11  AC Scanner Air Fan is in service with emergency backup of DC scanner air fan and air available to scanner and oil gun tip cooling.



B.7.1     Check all permissive are available.


B.7.2     Check Bunker level ( ).


B.7.3     Discharge valves of all mills (MDV) are open.


B.7.4     One seal air fan is running; A (      )    B (      ) seal air isolation valve is open & seal air is supplied to all mills & gravimetric feeders.


B.7.5     Check operation of HAG, CAG, HAD & CAD of all mills from DCS


B.7.6     Hot air gate and hot air control dampers are fully closed


B.7.7     Bunker outlet gates and Feeder inlet gates are open and coal is available to gravimetric feeders. (Check through view glass for coal on feeder belt)


B.7.8     All classifier vanes settings are identical.



B.8.1     Ensure for proper quantity of DM water in CST (Level > 5 mtr.)


B.8.2     Check all vent valves of economizer, boiler drum and super heaters are open.


B.8.3     Open following valves.

B-101 – Isolation Valve in Boiler filing line

B-98, B-99 – Bottom Ring Header drain

E-15, E-16 – Eco filling line drain

E-17, E-18 – Eco Header drain

E-13, E-14 – Eco recirculation line


B.8.4     Close following valves.

 B-96, B-97 – Bottom Ring header front side drain to IBD tank


B.8.5     Start the boiler fill pump.


B.8.6     Fill water in boiler drum up to normal operating level. (5 port, +100 mmwc)




C.1.1     All PTWs are closed and clearances from all concerned departments are available.


C.1.2     Interlocks & Protection of all associated systems are checked and found ok.


C.1.3     TG and its associated systems are free from any foreign material.


C.1.4     Unauthorized entry to all areas are prohibited.


C.1.5     Fire Protection & Prevention System (Hydrant & Spray & Inert Gas System) in all required areas is charged.


C.1.6     Check all valves of cooling water, condensate, feed water lines and turbine & generator auxiliaries are fully functional.


C.1.7     All hydraulic skids for control valves are ready in all aspects and no oil leakage is observed.


C.1.8     Ensure TWO CW pump and two ACW pumps are in service.


C.1.9     Start TG equipment cooling water pumps (TG-DMCW) (2 out of 3).

A (      )    B (      )      C (      )  


C.1.10  2 nos. PHEs for TG area are in service (keep 3rd one in standby) and charged from both DMCW & ACW.  A (      )    B (      )      C (      )  


C.1.11  Air compressors are in service and both instrument and service air are available to all associated areas with adequate pressure (6.0 – 6.5 kg/cm2)


C.1.12  Verify proper operation of all the instruments (gauges, transmitters and recorders). Check all root valves in impulse lines are fully open.


C.1.13  Ensure all strainer/filter elements (CEPs, BFPs, lube/seal/control oil skids etc.) are properly cleaned by service air/replaced by a new one.


C.1.14  Clean & dirty oil tanks are lined up with its centrifuge system in service.



C.2.1     CEP suction valves (CSV-1, CSV-2 and CSV-3).


C.2.2     Gland steam condenser inlet & outlet valves (CDV-16, CDV-18).


C.2.3     CPU Bypass Valve (CDV-19).


C.2.4     Condensate control station valves (CDV-21, CDV-23, CDV-24 and CDV-26).


C.2.5     Drain Cooler inlet valve (CDV-28).


C.2.6     All LP heaters inlet & outlet valves (CDV-31, CDV-32, CDV-34 and CDV-35).


C.2.7     Inlet valve of Deaerator (CDV-48).


C.2.8     All MIVs of connection link between FST & stand pipe.


C.2.9     Deaerator Overflow line valves (DRV-45, DRV-47 and DRV-50).


C.2.10  BFP suction valves (FSV-1, FSV-2 and FSV-3).


C.2.11  BFP recirculation valve (FCV-1, FCV-2 and FCV-3).


C.2.12  Feed Regulating Station valves (FDV-13 and FDV-15).


C.2.13  Feed Water Line Valves (FDV-7, FDV-8, FDV-9 and FDV-10).


C.2.14  Hot-well make up valves (DMV-32, DMV-34, DMV-35, DMV-37, DMV-40, DMV-42, DMV-43 and DMV-45).


C.2.15  Minimum flow recirculation line valves (CDV-38, CDv-40, CDV-204 and CDv-205)


C.2.16  Condenser vacuum pump line valves (SMV-23, SMV-24, SMV-25, SMV-26, SMV-37, SMV-28, SMV-29 and SMV-30).




C.3.1     CEP discharge valves (CDV-4, CDV-5 and CDV-6).


C.3.2     CPU inlet and outlet valves ()


C.3.3     Condensate line valves (CDV-74, CDV-27, CDV-30, CDV-33 and CDV-36).


C.3.4     Deaerator Overflow line valve (DRV-49).


C.3.5     Condensate line drain isolation valves (CDV-101, CDV-102, CDV-103, CDV-108, CDV-109, CDV-110, CDv-112, CDV-119, CDV-123, CDV-125, CDV-127, CDV-128, CDV-129, CDV-139 and CDV-140).


C.3.6     BFP discharge valves (FDV-4, FDV-5, FDV-6 and respective IBVs).


C.3.7     Feed water regulating valve (FDV-14 and FDV-16).


C.3.8     RH & APRDS Spray Valve (FDV-18, FDV-20 and FDV-22)


C.3.9     Feed Water Line Valves (FDV-11 and FDV-12; HP Heater 5 & 6 Bypass Isolators).


C.3.10  Feed Water line drain isolation valve (FDV-129 and FDV-130).




C.4.1     TG DMCW is available for motor winding cooling of MDBFP.


C.4.2     TG DMCW is available for cooling of bearings & mechanical seals of TG auxiliary drives (BFP, CEP etc.)


C.4.3     Cooling water is charged for oil coolers of turbo-generator lube oil and control oil system, generator seal oil system, BFP (MD & TD) lube oil & control oil system.


C.4.4     Charge cooling water for Hydrogen Cooler and Exciter Cooler and do venting.


C.4.5     Line up lube oil system of main turbine-generator set


C.4.5.1  Check oil level in MOT is normal; note down level


C.4.5.2  Note down lube oil filters chocking with standby one cleaned


C.4.5.3  Line up lube oil coolers, filters and start AOP (Put SLC ON for AOP & EOP; check auto start of AOP and EOP)


C.4.5.4  Check auto pickup of DCEOP and keep its SLC on


C.4.5.5  Put Lube oil temperature controller ON. (Maintain temp. 45˚C)


C.4.5.6  Start one JOP keeping other one ready for standby (Put SLC ON for other JOPs; check auto-start of other JOPs).


C.4.5.7  Open gate valve of turning/barring gear. (Switch on SLC for gate valve of turning gear)


C.4.5.8  Take TG on barring gear. (RPM approx. 80 rpm without condenser vacuum)


C.4.6     Line up lube/control oil system of Boiler Feed Pumps (1 MD & 2 TD)


C.4.6.1 Check oil level is normal in hydraulic coupling for MDBFP and in Oil storage tanks for TDBFPs. Note down levels.


C.4.6.2 Check barring gear valve is opened and valve selection in remote


C.4.6.3 Check auto startup of DC EOP.


C.4.6.4 Lube oil temp control valve of TDBFP is in auto and maintain 45˚C  temp


C.4.6.5 Line up lube oil coolers, filters and start one lube oil pump keeping other one ready on auto standby.


C.4.6.6 Take TDBFPs on barring gear (Speed approx. 340 rpm)


C.4.6.7 Check Control oil supply MIV open & pressure available 9 kg/cm2


C.4.7     Ensure proper lubrication (grease or oil) in all servo and pneumatic drives for valves.




C.5.1     Check CF tank level is normal. Note down the level


C.5.2     Start one CF pump; put SLC on & check auto start of second pump.


C.5.3     Establish control fluid supply to governing skids. (FRF tank level ‘0’ mm - normal level)


C.5.4     Start one control fluid Vapour Extractor fan.


C.5.5     Start one recirculation pump by taking filters (fine & ultrafine) in service.


C.5.6     Switch on FRF heater and keep SLC ON for temperature control & control fluid pumps. (Maintain FRF tank temp 50°C) (Ensure temperature increase gradient range 1-2°K/Hr.)


C.5.7     Keep temp control valve in AUTO.


C.5.8     Ensure control oil system SGC is ON.


C.5.9     Ensure all valve rack filters are clean & EHTC is lined up.




C.6.1     Generator protection panel and Excitation system is ready.


C.6.2     Ensure cooling system is ready for gas system, primary water system, seal oil system, exciter-stator-rotor winding. Put Temp Control valves for gas and primary water in auto.


C.6.3     Check primary water tank level. Note down the level


C.6.4     Start one primary water pump keeping other one standby (Keep SLC PW system ON).

Running pump A (      )    B (      )


C.6.5     Ensure NaOH dosing pump in auto and primary water conductivity after main filter (1-2.5 μS/cm) and pH > 7.


C.6.6     Note down N2 pressure in PW tank                      (if <0.25 ksc, refill from gas room)


C.6.7     Start one generator bearing vapour exhauster fan. (keep another on standby)


C.6.8     Ensure one AC seal oil pump ON &other AC & DC pumps on standby (Keep SLC of AC SOP & DC SOP ON); check auto start of other pumps. Ensure seal oil and ring relief oil supply to generator bearings are established.  Running Pump  A (      )    B (      )


C.6.9     Note down no of H2 cylinders                    and CO2 cylinders                    available in gas room


C.6.10  Ensure generator is filled with hydrogen with pressure in generator > 3.5 kg/cm2 and gas-air purity > 98%.


C.6.11  Check LLD rack is free from oil and drain connected to waste fluid system


C.7         Condensate and Feed water System Line Up


C.7.1     Line up condensate path from hot-well A & B up to Deaerator taking all LP heaters, gland steam condenser and drain cooler in line.


C.7.2     Ensure condensate polishing unit is bypassed.


C.7.3     Start condensate transfer pumps to maintain hot-well level +900 mmwc through hot-well make up station.


C.7.4     Line up feed water path from FST up to economizer through all HP heaters.


C.7.5     Start CEPs (2 out of 3) in recirculation keeping other one ready to start on standby

Running Pump  A (      )    B (      )     C (      )


C.7.6     Valve gland seal station is charged with pressure control valve in auto. Maintain pressure > 3ksc


C.7.7     Maintain Deaerator level (+100 mmwc) by controlling condensate control station valves (CDV-22 & CDV-25).


C.7.8     Start AOP of MDBFP.


C.7.9     Start MDBFP with recirculation  valve 100% open, discharge valve fully closed and scoop minimum (Maintain Deaerator level normal) (Ensure cooling, sealing and lube oil lines are charged)


C.7.10  Ensure RH, APRDS and HPBP spray valves are closed.


C.7.11  Open discharge valve and charge feed water up to feed control station. (Ensure FDV-14 & FDV-16 are fully closed).


C.7.12  Start ammonia and hydrazine dosing.  Before boiler light up feed water parameters should be: Conductivity: 0.65µg/cm, pH: 9.0-9.6, SiO2: ≤30ppb, Fe: ≤50ppb, Cu: ≤15ppb, Na: ≤20ppb, N2H4: 10-50µg/L

 For complete details please check my next blog on How to Boiler Light UP

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