If you are reading this article that's means you had rad previous blog on How to cold start up procedure of power plant. so that you can easily understand further procedure.

Start ammonia and hydrazine dosing. Before boiler light up feed water parameters should be: Conductivity: 0.65µg/cm, pH: 9.0-9.6, SiO2: ≤30ppb, Fe: ≤50ppb, Cu: ≤15ppb, Na: ≤20ppb, N2H4: 10-50µg/L




D.1.1     Ensure readiness of HP & LP Bypass Panel in all respects. (High Pressure Oil Supply Unit HPSU in service, Spray water line valves are closed & instrument air is available)


D.1.2     Ensure drum vents, SH vents and drains are open


D.1.3     Starting of BCW Pumps


D.1.3.1  Ensure adequate drum level; close all the drum vents (B-1, B-2, B-28 and B-29).


D.1.3.2  Start one BCW Pump. (Ensure cavity is filled with proper quality of DM water and LP/HP coolers are charged from SG-DMCW) (Ensure BCWP Suction manifold to Casing diff Temp. (<50 °C)


D.1.3.3  Start second & third BCW pump one by one(Ensure drum level normal +100 mmwc).


D.1.3.4  Open all the drum vents.


D.1.4     Ensure availability of instrument as well as service air (pressure 6.0 – 6.5 kg/cm2).


D.1.5     Start one (AC) scanner fan (Put DC scanner fan on Auto standby and check auto-changeover) (ensure proper operation of emergency air damper).


D.1.6     Starting of APHs


D.1.6.1  Ensure lube oil system is in service with standby pumps ready.


D.1.6.2  Ensure flue gas and secondary air path are lined up (all gates & dampers are open).


D.1.6.3  Start one APH followed by second. (Charge soot blowing by service air)


D.1.7     Starting of ID & FD fans


D.1.7.1  Ensure respective lube oil & cooling water systems (bearings, windings) are in service.


D.1.7.2  Check all permissive are available.


D.1.7.3  Start one ID fan followed by one FD fan.


D.1.7.4  When the fans are started, the SADC should adjust the auxiliary air dampers to obtain wind box to furnace DP approximately 40 mmwc (After 30% load, maintain this DP 100 mmwc up to 600 MW).


D.1.7.5  Adjust the secondary air flow (FD fan) >30% (= 600 TPH) and <40% of the total air flow and a furnace draft of approximately -5 to -10 mmwc.


D.1.8     All permissive for boiler purging are available; purge the boiler.


D.1.9     Start one LDO forwarding pump on recirculation with second pump ready on standby and maintain a discharge header pressure 15 kg/cm2. (ensure LDO storage tank level is normal)


D.1.10  All scanners and metal temp detectors are healthy.


D.1.11  Take initial drum metal temperature reading. (Ensure Top-Bottom delta-T <50˚C)


D.1.12  Start EERM/CERM rapping in auto sequence.




D.2.1     Open LOTV & HOTV.


D.2.2     Adjust oil pressure (8 to 10 kg/cm²) at operating floor after LONV.


D.2.3     Take oil guns of AB elevation in pair (1, 3 & 2, 4) and rotate the oil guns as per drum metal temperature.


D.2.4     Maintain furnace draft (-5 to -10 mmwc) during ignition.


D.2.5     Increase the firing rate to raise the water temperature according to the start-up curve (200°C/hr.) till turbine rolling.


D.2.6     After 30 minutes, take additional burners so that drum metal temperatures rise 2°C/minute. (Ensure furnace temp by FTP < 540°C for RH tube protection)


D.2.7     Start APH soot blowing by service air.


D.2.8     Check drum level & give blow down; Keep open Eco recirculation valve when no feeding to eco to avoid starvation.


D.2.9     LP dosing system is in service. HP dosing system will be taken in to service after   attaining 25 kg/cm² drum pressure. Sampling will be started at 25 kg/cm².


D.2.10  At Boiler drum pressure 2 kg/cm², close all the drum vents. (Check locally for any passing & manually tighten them if required, otherwise inform BMD)


D.2.11  At Boiler drum pressure 6 kg/cm²


D.2.12.1  Close SH header drains & SH header vents. Close manual isolating valve at common header to IBD tank. (Check locally for any passing & manually tighten them if required, otherwise inform BMD.)


D.2.12.2  Open main steam line valve by pass (MSV-3, MSV-4, MSV-5 and MSV-6) for main steam line warm up.


D.2.12.3  Open MS to APRDS drain (ASV-164) and ensure drain is open to IBD tank.


D.2.12.4  Charge HT APRDS header and maintain pressure and temp as 13 kg/cm²/3200C. Ensure PRDS pressure control valve ASV-22 is in AUTO


D.2.12.5  Ensure PRDS spray is lined up from BFP inter stage and De-superheating station spray for LT PRDS is lined up from CEP discharge


D.2.12.6  Charge LT APRDS header and maintain pressure and temp as 13 kg/cm²/2100C.


D.2.12.7  Take changeover of APH soot blowing from air to steam and continue APH soot blowing intermittently (Check through view glass and oil carry over probe)


D.2.12  Maintain Deaerator & hot-well levels.


D.2.13  Take CPU in to service by consulting chemist.


D.2.14  Do not close the main steam line drain and start up vent until steam flow through the line is established (i.e. steam dumping to condenser starts).


D.2.15  Ensure rising trend of downstream temp in MS strainer drains, HP bypass line drains


D.2.16  Adjust the control valve (FDV-14) and maintain drum level at 0 mmwc.


D.2.17  Check feed water quality after BFP start and recirculation.


D.2.18  Check the boiler expansion markings.


D.2.19  Open main steam stop valve (MSV-1 and MSV-2) when the drum pressure reaches 8 kg/cm².


D.2.20  Close main steam by pass valve (MSV-3, MSV-4, MSV-5 and MSV-6).


D.2.21  Open all the sampling valves at the sampling station.


D.2.22  Take CBD, feed water and steam sample for analysis and start HP dosing pump according to the analysis report.


D.2.23  Charge APH soot blowing from APRDS and start APH soot blowing (Repeat blowing at an interval of 2 hrs.)


D.2.24  Charge initial heating steam line (ASV-6) from APRDS to Deaerator-FST


D.2.25  Open Gland steam inlet station drains and charge line from PRDS. Ensure downstream of drain temp increasing.


D.2.26  Start one gland steam exhaust fan.


D.2.27  Condenser Vacuum Pulling & Gland Steam Charging


D.2.27.1     Ensure suction valves are open from all vacuum pumps and vacuum breakers are closed and water sealing done


D.2.27.2     Ensure separator tank water level is normal and make up solenoid is in auto.

Separator Tank Level Vacuum Pump A:

Separator Tank Level Vacuum Pump B:

Separator Tank Level Vacuum Pump C:


D.2.27.3     Start vacuum pumps and its recirculation pumps one by one gradually (2 out of 3) and 3rd pump auto standby. Ensure SLC vacuum pumps ON

Running pumps   A (      )    B (      )    C (      )


D.2.27.4     Start condenser vacuum pulling (Ensure RH vents are closed). Gradually admit gland steam when condenser vacuum reaches -0.2 kg/cm2 & temp of steam should be >200°C.


D.2.27.5     When vacuum reaches > -0.6 kg/cm2, open all drains of flash tank A & B those connected to condenser. 


D.2.28  Charging of HP & LP Bypass System


D.2.28.1     Ensure one CF pump and Filter pump is running for HP Bypass control system

CF Pump running  A (      )    B (      )

D.2.28.2     Ensure one CF pump, one recirculation pump and regeneration pump is running for LP Bypass control system.

CF Pump running  A (      )    B (      )      Recirculation Pump running   A (      )    B (      )

D.2.28.3     Line up LP Bypass spray from CEP discharge and HP Bypass spray from BFP discharge through respective spray station (ensure bypass and control valves of spray station is operational). Ensure control valves are closed

D.2.28.4     Charge HPBP warm up line & open its drains ().

D.2.28.5     Open LPBP line syphon drains to atmosphere.

D.2.28.6     Open all drains of CRH, HRH & turbine warm up lines and switch on SLC of drains.

D.2.28.7     Charge LP bypass spray. (Maintain condenser wall temp <50 degree C)

D.2.28.8     Open LP Bypass valve slowly. (Ensure proper gradient of downstream temp.)

D.2.28.9     Open HP Bypass slowly (Ensure proper gradient of downstream temp.) and start dumping the steam in the condenser through HPBS.

D.2.28.10  At 2% of HPBP valve opening, charge HPBP spray and maintain downstream temp < 350°C.

D.2.28.11       Once the HP /LP bypass is charged, close the SH start- up vents (S- 34/35 & S- 36/37). Close RH vents once LPBP opening > 20 %. Ensure vacuum has improved.

D.2.28.12  Close HPBP & LPBP warm up valves ().

D.2.28.13  Maintain condenser vacuum (> -0.8 kg/cm2).

D.2.28.14  Maintain CRH pressure < 5 KSC by putting LP Bypass valves in auto.

D.2.28.15  Put LP interface in ON and LPBP in AUTO. Ensure fixed point is set at 12°C.


D.2.29  Increase firing rate according to the steam demand and take additional guns n CD, EF, FG & HJ elevation.


D.2.30  Slowly raise MS/HRH pressure 50 kg/cmand temperature 350°C/330°C.


D.2.31  Inspect boiler locally through peep holes.


D.2.32  According to steam demand, take one by one coal mill in to service by controlling coal feeding through the gravimetric feeders.


D.2.33  Keep SLC drains ON (Check MAL drains are open and temp in drain is in raising trend).


D.2.34  Ensure no protection operated for TG set.

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