This Procedure is intended to provide guidance and instructions for carrying out the Calibration and maintenance of H2 GAS ANALYSER as per standard practices prescribed   by OEM or General Industry best practices in safe manner while ensuring minimization of environmental impacts to the extent possible.

Working Instructions : Complete checking once in 15 days for leakage, periodic and annual maintenance.


a. Periodic checking and replacement of the calibrating and reference-gas cylinders if required.

b. Check the sampling system flow rate daily to make certain that no blockage or buildup of particulates has occurred.

c. Check for leakage. 

B. For Gas analyzer Cabinet : 

a.  Isolate & power off the panel.

b.  Clean the panel using Blower.

c.  Check the terminal tightness.

d.  Check for membrane filter. 

C. For maintenance: 

Power on the system.

1st purge operation during shut down for maintenance:

a. H2 is first replaced with CO2, since mixing air directly with H2 would produce an unsafe condition

b. Measure 0 –100 % H2

2nd purge operation during shut down for maintenance:

a.  CO2 is then safely replaced with breathing air

b. Measure 0–100 % CO

D. After normalization (For Analyzer into service) : Ensure system under power on condition.

First purge operation during start-up:

a.  Ambient air is first replaced by CO2, since mixing H2 directly with air would produce an unsafe condition.

b. Measure 0 – 100 % CO2.

Second purge operation during start-up:

a.   CO2 is then safely replaced with H2

b.        Measure 0 – 100 % H2.

E. For Calibration :        

a.        Select the Manual calibration from the menu.


b.      For single calibration: Select component and Measurement Range.

     F.     Zero calibration:

👉     Turn on zero gas supply (co2).

👉       When sample value stabilizes initiate zero calibration.

G.     Span Calibration:         

a.        Select span gas.

b.        Turn on span gas (hydrogen 100%)

c.         Enter and then match with purity cylinder (85~100% Hydrogen).

H.   Match reading with DCS.


a.                       All T & P’s and manpower are removed.

b.                       Clean the maintenance area properly.

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