This Procedure is intended to provide guidance and instructions for carrying out the maintenance of OPACITY MONITOR as per standard practices prescribed   by OEM or General Industry best practices in safe manner while ensuring minimization of environmental impacts to the extent possible.    


1.        All the personnel involved in carrying out /supervising the above activities are required to ensure implementation of this procedure and may consult any other relevant documents indicated under Reference section below.

2.        In case the tasks are performed by the contractors, the concerned Supervisor from JPL shall brief the procedure to be followed and environmental and OH&S precautions to be complied by personnel from Contractors or external agencies deployed for the above task.

3.   The supervisor from JPL and contractor is responsible to ensure effective monitoring of implementation of this procedure.

4.       In the event of any changes required in the procedure such changes may be requested with Station MR, who would take appropriate action with approval from respective departmental head and Head –O&M.



1.        Work permit as should be secured and instructions provided in the permit should be complied. Where instructions are not clear, clarification should be requested from the concerned Supervisor. Work should only be commenced after ensuring that proper work environment is created (Authorizations are secured, Isolations are confirmed, and required mobilization is done.)

2.        Access to Emergency evacuation and other emergency services such as medical and Fire protection shall be readily available and contact details are readily available concerned supervisor as well as contactor.

3.        Access to drinking water, toilet and other essential infrastructure for both company and contract personnel should be ensured.



a.        Electric Shock.

b.        Exposure to Flue gas.

c.         Working at Height

d.        Proper Access and Platform

e.        Availability of Chimney Lift


a.        Power Off 240 V AC in PSU (Power Supply Unit)

b.        Use hand gloves while working with the system.

c.         Ensure proper illumination.

d.        Use dust mask & safety goggles while cleaning the panels.

e.        Keep the fire extinguishers (CO2 cylinders) ready with reachable limit for any exigency.

f.          Permit Type: Permit to Work Order

g.        Permit Approving Authority: Shift in-charge (Main Control Room)



a.        Multi meter

b.        Insulated General tools.

c.         Panel key

d.        Marking cloth and soft cotton cloth

e.        Lint free lens cloth


a.        Instrument Air lines (Maintenance frequency -90 days)-Examine Instrument Air Lines for leaks. Test all air lines fittings for tightness.

b.        AFR (Maintenance frequency -90 days) – Check the AFR for moister, drain if traces of moisture found. Remove the filter, Empty the filter, wipe out and reaffix.

c.         Filter element (Maintenance frequency -90 days) - Remove the filter from   housing. Remove the cap Empty the cap and wipe out. Wear eye protection, tap gently to remove dust. Clean carefully with a blow gun. Examine for holes or rips. Re-fit.

d.        Safety filter (Maintenance frequency-annual)-(where fitted) Replace with new filter.

e.        Optics (Maintenance frequency -90 days) - Check and clean the optics. To clean the mains lens, open the Transmissometer housing by undoing the two quick-release clamps. Wipe the lens using the lens cloth. Close the housing and fasten the quick-release clamps.

f.          Air purge adapter (Maintenance frequency -90 days)- Unclip and hinge open the Transceiver and Retro-Reflector and check that there is no ash build up inside the purge adapters that could block the light path.

g.        During the regularly scheduled maintenance periods, any optional equipment (e.g. shutters, weather covers) should be checked for correct operation. If any potential problems are noted, the equipment should be repaired or replaced if necessary.

h.        After prolonged use, it is likely that some contamination will occur on the optical surfaces of the Model DCEM 2100. The time taken for significant contamination to occur depends very much on the nature of the installation, but in a typical situation it should be sufficient to clean the optics every 90 days.

i.           To clean the Retro-Reflector, open the housing by undoing the two quick-release clamps. Carefully wipe the glass surface of the Retro-Reflector with the lens cloth. Close the housing and fasten the two quick-release clamps.

j.           Do not attempt to move the zero reflectors by hand. The precision gearbox will be damaged irreparably.

k.        The Instrument air purge system should always be left on, even if the boiler is off.

l.           Mount Transceiver & Retro-Reflector and connect the air line properly and perform the calibration.

m.     Power on PSU and check 240 V AC incoming supply.

n.        Check Remote Control Unit (RCU), Signal Processing Unit (SPU), Display Unit (DDU) and Actuator Control Unit (ACU) healthiness and communication with opacity meter.


a.                       All T & P’s and manpower are removed.

b.                       Clean the maintenance area properly.

c.                        Normalize all isolation  & Return PTW 


a.                    In the Event of Any Changes or Deviation from Procedure are required due to Urgent business requirements or system/Equipment approval should be obtained from Head O&M.

b.                 The report for the concerned task should clearly Captured the details of deviations and reason for the same.


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